Happy Birthday to You...Happy Birthday to You..Happy Birthday Lily & McKenzie...Happy Birthday to you!!
This time last year at 2:31am & 2:33am our very precious miracle babies were born. They were very small, very sweet and we were VERY scared. When they were just 16 weeks in the womb, we were told they had a 50/50 chance at life and we had "options"... We prayed and we chose life and so did the Momos! This past year has been such a victory...I wake up daily and THANK GOD for allowing us to have His children and watch them grow.
This time last year, I fell in love again, two became four and I became the Momo's Momma!
A Message to our Momos...
Dear Lillian & McKenzie,
Today is your 1st Birthday...you can't imagine how exciting this is for all of us, not just your mom and dad, but your entire family and extended family. We have been watching two little girls who were born at 1lb14oz and 2lbs1oz grow to become the sweetest little girls we could ever ask for. Your birth beat the "odds", but we never bet against you! We were bringing home two little babies no matter what!
You have a lot of people to thank for keeping you strong during your NICU stay, your doctors, nurses, family, friends and most of all God. We know that you will be raised to understand that you are His children and it was in His plan to give you to us!
This time last year was bitter sweet, you were here but you were so small and everything was so scary...today you are 16lbs7oz (Lily) & 16lbs6.5oz (McKenzie)...you are both crawling and you LOVE "If your happy and you know it clap your hands" you both clap to the song with such joy!
You are both so strong...we will remind you of your strength when you feel like you "can't" do something. Never forget how amazing you are!
We hope when you are old enough to read this, you are healthy and vibrant young ladies on a mission for greatness! One day you will understand what all the "fuss" is about for EVERY birthday we share with you. Your "Birth" day is more than just a day, it is a celebration of Life, Love and Victory.
We Love you both so much,
Mom & Dad.